May 20, 2022

Posted by admin / blogs


The use of low-code platforms to develop business applications has become increasingly popular in recent years. Using a low-code platform includes quickly growing and deploying applications requiring little or no coding. These risks can be mitigated by taking some simple precautions:

1. Use a reputable low-code platform vetted by your organization’s security team.

2. All data is expected to be encrypted to avoid vulnerability. 

3. Configure user permissions and access controls to limit who can access and modify data on the platform.

4. Use two-factor authentication for all user accounts.

5. Keep the low-code platform and all applications developed on it up to date with the latest security patches.

6. Perform regular security audits of the low-code platform and applications developed.

7. Have a plan for responding to security incidents involving the low-code platform or applications developed.

These simple steps can help mitigate the risks associated with using a low-code platform and keep your data safe.

Low-code security issues to look out for

When using a low-code platform, it’s important to know the potential security risks. Here are some of the most common low-code security issues to look out for:

1. Insecure data storage: If data is not properly secured on a low-code platform, unauthorized individuals may use it.

2. Lack of granular user permissions: Users may not access and modify data if the proper configuration is missing on low-code platforms. 

3. Outdated software: Low-code platforms with outdated security patches may be susceptible to attack.

Cyberium Solutions

The use of low-code platforms has become increasingly popular in recent years. There are some risks with these platforms. By taking some simple precautions, you can help to mitigate the risks and keep your data safe. Be sure to use a reputable low-code platform, encrypt all data stored on the forum, and configure user permissions and access controls. Keep the venue, and all applications updated with the latest security patches and perform regular security audits. Have a plan in place for how to respond to security incidents involving the low-code platform or applications developed on it. Cyberium Solutions is a cyber security solutions provider helping organizations secure their data. We offer various services, including assessments, training, and consulting. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you secure your data.


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